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It is natural for a person to feel anxiety or dismay from time to time. If the sense of anxiety is repeated at close times without any real reason to the extent that it impedes the normal course of daily life, this human being is likely to suffer from anxiety disorder, This disorder causes excess and unrealistic anxiety and a sense of fear, and it outweighs what can be considered a natural reaction to a particular condition.

Types of anxiety

Anxiety is below several different types, which include the following:
  1. Agoraphobia: Fear of fields and being in public.
  2. Anxiety disorder due to a medical condition: a type of anxiety comes from having a medical problem and a particular health condition.
  3. Generalized anxiety disorder: excess anxiety of any activity or involvement in even routine events.
  4. Panic disorder: It is a series of anxieties and fears that reach their maximum levels in a few minutes.
  5. Selective mutism: It is the failure of children to speak in specific situations, such as: being in school.
  6. Separation anxiety: A childish disorder is the fear and anxiety of separation from parents.
  7. Social phobia: fear of engaging in social events, feeling ashamed and lack of self-confidence.

Symptoms of anxiety

Symptoms of anxiety vary from case to case, both in terms of the quality and severity of different symptoms, and symptoms of anxiety include:
  • Headache.
  • Nervous or stress.
  • Feeling a plaster in the throat.
  • Difficulty concentrating.
  • Tiredness.
  • Irritation and lack of patience.
  • Confusion.
  • Sensation of muscle tension.
  • Insomnia.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Narrow breath.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Diarrhea.
Sufferers may feel very concerned about their personal security and that of their loved ones, or may have a feeling that something bad will happen even if there is no perceived risk, the anxiety attack usually begins at a relatively young age.

Causes and factors of risk of anxiety

As in most psychiatric disorders, it is not entirely clear what causes anxiety disorder. Researchers believe that natural chemicals in the brain called neurotrenalines, such as Serotonin and Noradrenaline, affect the occurrence of these disorders.

Causes of anxiety

This problem can be assumed to have a variety of reasons, including the following situations:
  • Panic disorder.
  • Blurred anxiety disorder.
  • Phobia disorder.
  • Stress disorder.
  • Some diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease.

Risk factors for anxiety

Factors that can increase the risk of generalized anxiety disorder include:

1. Cruel Childhood
Children who have experienced difficulties or distress in their childhood, including being witnesses to traumatic events, such as: having serious diseases such as cancer may have an anxiety attack, or being afraid of the future and what it carries as an economic condition.

2. Psychological Stress
The accumulation of psychological stress as a result of stressful and stressful conditions in life may generate acute anxiety, for example: an illness that requires absenteeism, causing loss of pay and intake would cause psychological stress, and thus generalized anxiety disorder.

3. Personality
People with certain personal advantages may be more likely to develop anxiety disorder, and people with unavailable psychological needs, such as: being associated with an unsatisfactory emotional relationship may feel insecure, making them more likely to develop anxiety disorder.

4. Genetic Factors
Having a genetic family history of generalized anxiety disorder makes it genetically transmitted from one generation to another.

Complications of anxiety

Anxiety disorder causes the sufferer more than just anxiety, it can cause or exacerbate difficult and serious illnesses, and can include:

  • Use of addictive substances.
  • Insomnia and a sense of depression.
  • Digestive or intestinal disorders.
  • Headache.
  • Squeaking teeth.

Diagnosis of anxiety

In order to be diagnosed with anxiety disorder, a person's condition must fit the following criteria:

  • Severe anxiety and apprehension daily and for at least six months.
  • Difficulty in confronting and resisting anxiety.
  • Feeling an anxiety attack is accompanied by a number of specific symptoms, such as: feeling nervous and stressed, difficulty concentrating, feeling and tightening muscles, and sleep disorders.
  • Feeling a bout of anxiety generates acute distress that hampers the normal and normal course of life.
  • Anxiety not associated with other medical conditions or problems, such as: panic attack, or the use of addictive substances.

Treatment of anxiety

Treatment of anxiety is combined by two main treatments: medication, and psychotherapy, each or both of which may need trial periods and errors in order to identify the most appropriate and effective in-kind treatment for a particular patient and the treatment with which the patient feels comfortable and reassured. The treatment can be explained as follows:

1. Drug treatment for anxiety

Various types of medication anxiety treatment aimed at alleviating side anxiety symptoms associated with anxiety disorder are available, including:

  • Anti-anxiety drugs: Benzodiazepines are calming substances that have the preference that they relieve anxiety within 30 - 90 minutes.
  • Antidepressant drugs: These drugs affect the functioning of Neurotransmitter, which is known to play an important role in the development and development of anxiety disorders, such as Fluoxetine.

2. Psychotherapy for anxiety

Psychotherapy for concern includes assistance and support from mental health workers and through speaking and listening.

Prevention of anxiety

Good sleep habits can help prevent insomnia and promote healthy sleep. The following factors may also help to prevent it:

  • Keep your bedtime and wake time consistent from day to day, including weekends.
  • Keep active. Regular activity helps promote good night's sleep.
  • Check your medications to see if they contribute to insomnia.
  • Avoid or limit napping.
  • Avoid or reduce caffeine and alcohol, and do not use nicotine (Nicotine).
  • Avoid large meals and drinks before bedtime.
  • Make your bedroom comfortable to sleep and use only for sex or sleep.
  • Make comfortable bedtime activities such as: taking a warm bathroom, reading, or listening to quiet music.

Alternative treatments

Some alternative and complementary medicine treatments may help alleviate anxiety, but the doctor should be consulted about the possibility of using these treatments to ensure public safety and do not interfere with drug therapy, which includes the following:
  • Hypericum.
  • Omega-3.
  • Folic acid.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Magnesium.
  • Exercise.
  • Exposure to light.
  • Valerian.


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