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Alcohol known as alcoholism or anesthetic addiction arises as a result of the body's attachment to alcohol. The abrupt cessation of alcohol by addicts can lead to withdrawal symptoms, including tremor, anxiety, delirium and hallucinations, as alcoholism negatively affects intellectual performance, abilities and body skills.

It is rare that an alcoholic person can be their own strength to change this pattern of harmful behavior. Although the decision to recover should emanate from the alcoholic person himself, the critical urgency often comes from a family relative, friend or colleague. So if you know someone who over drinks alcohol, you can help them.

If you feel over drunk when you read this article, you should ask for help immediately.

Alcohol Symptoms

  • Noisy, noisy or violent actions after drinking alcohol
  • Drinking alcohol at inappropriate times, such as in morning hours, before driving or before working time
  • Appearance of a stomach ulcer or inflammation of the stomach
  • Devote time to thinking about drinking alcohol or planning where and when to get the next drink
  • Drinking alcohol without prior planning, incorrect assessment of the amount of alcohol consumed or denied
  • Feeling the need to drink alcohol before entering stress or stress situations
  • Inability to remember events during drinking alcohol, even if others do not notice
  • Deterioration into neglect and malnutrition

Causes and factors of alcohol risk

Causes and risk factors include the following:
  • Start drinking from an early age: people who start drinking, especially drinking at an early age are more likely to develop alcohol use disorder.
  • Family history: The risk of alcohol use disorder is higher for people with another parent or relative with alcohol problems.
  • Depression and other mental health problems: It is common for people with mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder to experience problems with alcohol or other substances.
  • History of trauma: People with a history of emotional or other trauma are at increased risk of alcohol use disorder.
  • Social and cultural factors: The charming way drinking is sometimes portrayed in the media may also send the message that it's okay to drink too much.
  • Other reasons: with the aim of being drunk or trying to solve problems, or refraining from solving them.

Alcohol complications

Excessive drinking of alcohol may lead to several diseases, most notably:
  • Heart muscle disease.
  • Fibrosis of the liver.
  • Gut infections.
  • A pregnant woman who drinks alcohol puts her fetus at risk, which can cause a condition called fetal alcohol syndrome.
  • Road accidents.
  • Attacks within the family, especially on children and wives.
  • These are all very important subjects that require special attention and attention.

Alcohol diagnosis

Diagnosis is carried out by the following:

1. Patient Psychotherapy

Several questions are asked regarding your drinking habits. A doctor may request permission to speak with family members or friends. However, confidentiality laws prevent your doctor from giving any information about you without your consent. This assessment includes questions about symptoms, thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

You may also be asked to complete a questionnaire to help answer these questions.

2. Physical examination

Your doctor may perform a physical examination and ask questions about your health, there are many physical signs that indicate complications of alcohol abuse.

3. Laboratory tests and imaging tests.

Although there are no specific tests for the diagnosis of alcohol use disorder, certain patterns of laboratory test abnormalities may strongly suggest this and may need tests to identify health problems that may be associated with alcohol use.

Alcohol Therapy

Treatment includes the following:

Home Therapy

Alcohol is difficult to treat at home, but it is also not only treatable by the doctor as the underlying element of any treatment should be in changing behaviors There are a lot of effective ways, including with the participation of doctors or specialized consultants and the other department without their participation, A section of methods emphasizes total abstinence from drinking alcohol in exchange for other ways aimed at reducing alcohol quantities to reasonable amounts.

There is a group called Alcoholics Anonymous - AA that has formed a self-help framework where it aims to support addicts and help them solve the problem of addiction In turn, it is possible to receive assistance from any person who is competent in the areas of social services or mental health by directing the addict to an appropriate treatment program for alcohol treatment, But the most important condition for the success of any such treatment is the addict's conviction of the need for treatment and his commitment to the treatment program.

Where can help be received?

Details about the places and times of meeting with members of anonymous addicts' groups can be found on the websites. They can also go to social services, counselling and mental health departments.

What about a doctor's visit?

An alcoholic is required to inform the doctor of his/her addiction or that he/she has a problem with drinking alcohol; This is because the background to drinking alcohol may affect many aspects of medical treatment.

If you doubt that a member of your family or a close friend complains about alcoholism, you should consult your doctor.

How do you go to an alcoholic you care about?

Don't go to him when he's drunk or under the influence of alcohol, but shortly after the shift, tell him what you saw and how this caused severe problems. Describe your feelings and ask him how he feels about it.
Propose a start to change and try not to show up as someone to blame, not to try to punish him, or to put emotional pressure on him, but to stay calm, balanced and make sure that you leave responsibility for the addict himself for his negative actions and for changing them.

Most alcoholic people deny that they already have an addiction problem. Your only contribution at the first time may be to simply express your concern and show examples of incidents that have occurred as a result of drinking alcohol, but when such incidents are repeated you can go back and talk again to the alcoholic addict.

Most professionals believe that the majority of addicts will not resort to seeking help once one person has advised them to do so, so the collective participation of family, friends, and neighbors can leave a stronger impact and better make it clear to the addicted person that the only way ahead is to receive help.

Alcohol Prevention

Prevention is possible through the following:
  • Choose not to drink too much yourself, and help others not to.
  • Follow the dietary guidelines on moderate alcohol consumption of no more than one cup per day for women and no more than two cups per day for men.
  • Do not serve alcohol to those who should not drink, including people under the age of 21 or those who have already drunk too much.
  • Talk to your healthcare provider about your drinking behavior and seek advice if you drink too much.


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