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Diabetes Treatment

As mentioned, treatment for diabetes depends on its type, meaning what comes:

1. Treatment of type 2 diabetes

Treatment of diabetes varies from person to person, depending on the personal laboratory tests performed by each patient and their blood glucose values. According to the complications of diabetes we have previously shown, the risk of having microscopic vascular diseases and high illnesses is the higher the concentration of blood sugar over long periods of the disease.

In addition to cardiovascular diseases that are also more serious the older the patient is and the greater the time period of diabetes; That's why we have to treat this category seriously and balance the blood glucose concentration values as much as possible.

In the treatment of this category of persons, severe decreases in the concentration of blood sugar, or severe decreases in blood pressure, should be prevented, and attention should be paid to the overall health condition of the patient and all the doctors treated so that it is possible that the patient with diabetes will suffer from more than one disease in addition to diabetes.

We can divide diabetes treatment into several sections:

Lifestyle Changes

Include the following:

  • Healthy and appropriate nutrition for this group of patients.
  • Physical sport recommended by attending physicians, which is particularly appropriate for each patient depending on all the diseases he or she suffers and which can affect the regular and proper conduct of physical sport.
  • Weight reduction and body mass index that will help the body alleviate insulin resistance that causes diabetes.

Oral medications

Highlights include the following:

1. Metformin: It is a primary treatment line, especially for obese people. It works by inhibiting the production of glucose in the liver, which reduces its concentration in the blood.

One of the known side effects of this hypothalamus is the reduction in weight and its effects on the digestive system, people with chronic kidney failure diseases, can be inappropriate and even harmful.

2. Sulfonylurea: A drug that helps to secrete insulin in the body by changes in the electrical charge of the cell membrane that secret's insulin.

A known and common side effect of these drugs is the gain of excess weight and a sharp decline in the concentration of glucose in the blood; So people who are elderly and exposed to frequent cases of severe decline in blood glucose concentration have to be careful about taking these drugs, which can be inappropriate for them.

3. Thiazolidinediones: This type of drug improves insulin resistance in the body, as well as can induce insulin secretion.

4. Meglitinides: These drugs work similarly to solvanyl urea drugs, and one of the known side effects of this class of drugs is excess weight gain.

5. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors: These drugs work by slowing the absorption of sugar in the digestive tract, and the known side effects of this class of drugs are bloating and diarrhea.

6. Diptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors: These drugs help in the process of regulating the concentration of glucose in the body, in general these drugs are neither strong nor highly effective to significantly reduce glucosylated hemoglobin like other drugs.

These drugs do not increase weight, as well as are not high risk of a severe drop in the concentration of glucose in the body.

7. Glucagon-like peptide-1: Using peptides in the gastrointestinal tract, these drugs balance the concentration of glucose in the blood, from the known side effects of this hypothyroidism, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.


Include the following:

1. Insulin: Insulin therapy has become more common in recent times despite many patients refusing to accept treatment by injection on a daily basis, insulin treatment is divided into two types:

  1. Insulin therapy is a long-term efficacy: It is a daily injection that provides the body with the amount of basic insulin, which makes it easier for the patient to accept treatment more than once a day, and this type of treatment can be prescribed with other oral medications to balance the disease more efficiently.
  2. Insulin therapy has short-term effectiveness: insulin is taken immediately after daily meals and the amount of eating is usually suited to the amount of short-term insulin taken after.

2. Pramlintide: Generally administered by injections accompanying insulin.

Monitoring the concentration of glucose in the blood

Monitoring the concentration of glucose in the blood especially in the morning hours is important and usually gives us information about balancing the disease in those patients, and doctors usually care about these recordings to decide which treatment is appropriate for patients and the need to add other drugs to better balance the disease.

In addition to direct treatment to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood, there is no less important treatment to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, which includes:

  1. Reduce smoking as much as possible, where sometimes there are organized group courses in which doctors advise to help quit.
  2. Treatment of hypertension.
  3. Treatment of hyperlipidemia.
  4. Treatment by aspirin.
  5. A healthy and healthy lifestyle in terms of food and hygiene.

2. Type 1 diabetes treatment

Include the following:

Monitor and record glucose concentration values

Research has demonstrated the importance of monitoring and recording glucose values in the blood on a daily basis and more than once, and the extent to which they help treat this category of patients better, as well as to fit the appropriate insulin dose.

We can monitor and record the body's glucose concentration values in two ways:

  1. Measurement by special fingerstick to measure glucose concentration by a drop of blood from the finger.
  2. Advanced subcutaneous electronic devices to measure the body's glucose concentration sequentially over the course of daylight hours.

Insulin injections

We can divide insulin therapy for this category into two sections:

  1. Insulin therapy is a long-term efficacy: it is a daily injection that provides the body with the amount of basic insulin, which makes it easier for the patient to accept the treatment more because there is no need to inject more than once a day.
  2. Insulin therapy has short-term effectiveness: insulin taken immediately after daily meals is usually suited to the amount of eating and the concentration of glucose in the blood for the quantity of short-term insulin after.

3. Treatment of pregnancy diabetes

In order to maintain the health of the fetus and prevent complications during childbirth, the level of blood sugar must be balanced.

In addition to ensuring healthy nutrition and exercise, diabetes treatment can also include follow-up of blood sugar and, in some cases, the use of insulin.

The attending medical staff monitors the level of blood sugar, including during the delivery process; Because if the level of sugar in the pregnant woman's blood increases, the body of the fetus may release the insulin hormone at a high concentration, which will lead to a decrease in the level of blood sugar immediately after birth.

4. Treatment of prediabetes

By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, many people with prediabetes can return their blood sugar level to normal or at least prevent it from rising to levels similar to those recorded in type 2 diabetics.

It may also be useful to maintain a healthy weight by exercising and following a healthy diet.

Medications may sometimes be a suitable and effective therapeutic alternative to diabetes for people in one at-risk group. These include cases where prediabetes is exacerbated or where a diabetic suffers from another disease, whether it is cardiovascular disease, fatty liver disease, or polycystic ovary syndrome.

Medications intended here are orally administered diabetes therapy drugs, such as Metformin, and in other cases drugs are needed to balance the level of cholesterol, especially statins, and medications to treat hypertension.

The doctor is likely to prescribe a low-dose aspirin as a disease prevention measure, yet a healthy lifestyle remains the key to success.


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