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Diabetes Diagnosis

Diagnostic methods include the following:

1. Blood tests

There are many blood tests whereby symptoms of type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes can be diagnosed, including:

  • Random examination of the level of diabetes in the blood.
  • Check the level of diabetes in the blood during fasting.

If someone is diagnosed with diabetes symptoms according to the results of the tests, it is possible that the doctor decides to conduct additional tests in order to determine the type of diabetes, with a view to choosing appropriate and effective treatment, knowing that the treatment methods vary from one type of diabetes to another.

The doctor may also recommend a hemoglobin glycosylated hemoglobin test (Hemoglobin A1C/ Glycosylated hemoglobin test).

2. Examinations to detect pregnancy diabetes

Tests for the detection of gestational diabetes are an integral part of normal and routine tests in pregnancy.

Most medical professionals are advised to undergo a blood test for diabetes called Glucose Challenge Test, which takes place during pregnancy between the twenty-fourth and twenty-eighth weeks of pregnancy, or earlier in women with higher risk of developing gestational diabetes.

The glucose challenge test begins with a sugar syrup solution, and an hour later a blood test is carried out to measure the level of blood diabetes concentration, if blood diabetes is above 140 milligrams/dL this usually indicates the presence of gestational diabetes.

In the majority of cases there is a need to repeat the test to confirm the diagnosis of diabetes, in preparation for the re-examination the pregnant woman undergoing the test should fast all night before the examination, here again a sweet-taste solution containing this time a higher concentration of glucose and then the level of blood diabetes is measured every hour over three hours.

3. Tests to detect diabetes onset

The American College of Endocrinology and Hormonal Endocrinology usually recommends a prediabetes screening test for everyone with a family history of type 2 diabetes, those with hyperobesity, or those with metabolic syndrome.

It is also recommended that women who have had pregnancy diabetes in the past should undergo this examination. The doctor may also recommend that they undergo one of the following two tests to diagnose prediabetes:

  • Blood diabetes screening during fasting.
  • Glucose tolerance test.


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