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" The first wealth is health "


Potassium with sodium works to maintain fluid balance in the body, convey neurological commands, shrink muscles and keep the heartbeat safe.

Cases requiring vitamin/metal addition
Most types of food contain sufficient amounts of potassium so it is usually rare that there is a need to add potassium. However, a mild deficiency may occur in:
  • People who drink coffee or alcoholic beverages in excessive quantities.
  • People who often eat salty foods.
  • People with diabetes.

Symptoms of deficiency

1. Early potassium deficiency symptoms

Early potassium deficiency symptoms include:
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Tired.
  • Dizziness and confusion.
Potassium deficiency may also affect nerves and muscles which may lead to:
  • Heart rhythm disorder.
  • Constipation due to poor mobility of muscles.

2. Symptoms of severe potassium deficiency

Symptoms of severe potassium deficiency in advanced cases include:
  • Muscle weakness may lead to paralysis.
  • Inability to breathe.

Symptoms and risks in case of overdose

The level of potassium in the body is adjusted by the kidneys so that any excess amount of it is excreted by urine. Taking more than 18 grams of doses may lead to heart rhythm disorder and paralysis in some muscles. The following are the most prominent cases affected by the increase in potassium level in the body:
  • People with kidney dysfunction may collect potassium surpluses in the body which increases the risk of potassium poisoning.
  • Patients treated with Hemodialysis should avoid potassium-rich foods.


Potassium compounds can be divided according to the need for a prescription or not, and include the following:

1. Prescription potassium compounds

Include the following:
  • Potassium chloride.
  • Potassium gluconate
  • They can be obtained over the counter, as they are frequently used in sodium-free salt (salt substitute).

2. Over-the-counter potassium compounds

Include the following:
  • Potassium citrate.
  • Potassium acetate.


The best potassium sources are:
  • Green leafy vegetables.
  • Oranges.
  • Potatoes.
  • Bananas.
  • Red meat.
  • Legumes.
  • Milk.
The dose is determined individually by the type of compound, the cause of potassium deficiency and its severity, generally given a dose of 2,600 - 3,400 - milligrams of potassium.

Recommended daily dosage

3.5 - 5
3.5 - 5
3.3- 5.1


The recommended daily dose (RDA) is not specifically determined. It varies depending on each case but specialists are advised to take a daily intake of between 3.5 - 5 ml/l for adults.

Types of foods containing vitamin/metal

  • Green vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Milk


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