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Causes and factors of diabetes risk

 Causes and factors of diabetes risk

The following explains the main causes and risk factors:

 Main causes and risk factors of diabetes

Among the main causes of this sharp rise in diabetes are:
  • Obesity.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Changes in the types of foods that are common today include ready-to-eat foods that cause diabetes, being rich in fat and sugars that are easily absorbed into the blood, resulting in increased insulin resistance.

1. Causes and risk factors for type 1 diabetes

In type 1 diabetes, the immune system attacks the cells responsible for secreting insulin in the pancreas and damages it instead of attacking and destroying harmful germs or viruses as it usually does in normal cases.

As a result, the body stays with a small amount of insulin or no insulin at all, in which case sugar gathers and builds up in blood circulation instead of being distributed to different cells in the body.

The real eye cause of type 1 diabetes is not yet known, but the following are the most prominent risk factors, which include:

  • Family history as the risk of type 1 diabetes increases in people whose parents or sisters have diabetes.
  • Exposure to viral diseases.

2. Causes and risk factors for type 2 diabetes

When developing prediabetes that may worsen into type 2 diabetes, cells resist the effect of insulin work while the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin to overcome this resistance.
In these cases, sugar gathers and accumulates in circulation rather than distributes to cells and reaches them in different organs of the body. The immediate cause of these conditions is still unknown, but excess fat, especially in the abdomen, and lack of physical activity, appear to be important factors in this occurrence.
Researchers are still looking for a real and accurate answer to the question: Why do diabetes start, and type 2 diabetes affect specific people alone?
However, there are several factors that clearly increase diabetes risk, including:

Age: older or equal to 45 years.
Weight: Weight plus is defined as a BMI greater or equal to 25.
Genetics: A family relative, primarily a diabetic.
Race: Specific ethnic groups known for their high risk of diabetes.
Physical activity: lack of physical activity.
High blood pressure: higher than 90/140 mmHg.
Hypercholesterol: Here is meant high LDL cholesterol.
High level of triglyceride in the blood: one of the types of fatty found in the body.
Vascular diseases: where there is a personal history of these diseases.
The birth of a baby with a high weight: a personal history of women having children with a weight higher than 4.1 kilograms.
Pregnancy diabetes: a personal history of pregnancy diabetes.
Glucosylate hemoglobin values: The examination of sugar hemoglobin is greater or equal to 5.7%.
Glucose tolerance: Those with shortage or impairment of glucose tolerance are more likely to become ill.
Glucose values: Who have a problem with glucose values in post-fasting examination.

3. Causes and risk factors for diabetes pregnancy

During pregnancy, the placenta produces hormones that help and support pregnancy. These hormones make the cells more resistant to insulin, in the second and third thirds of pregnancy the placenta grows and produces large amounts of these hormones that obstruct insulin work and make it more difficult.
In normal cases, the pancreas reacts by producing an extra amount of insulin to overcome that resistance, but the pancreas sometimes fails to keep up with the pace resulting in very little glucose reaching the cells, while a large amount of it gathers and accumulates in the circulation and thus forms gestational diabetes.
A pregnant woman may be exposed to gestational diabetes, but there are women who are more likely than others. The risk factors for diabetes during pregnancy include:

  • Women over the age of 25.
  • Family or personal history.
  • Excess weight.


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