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" The first wealth is health "

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Flex Talk 25 November 2022
  Allergie Allergies are the reaction of the immune system to unfamiliar substances, such as: vaccine granules, poison due to the sting of b...
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Flex Talk 23 November 2022
  Hypoxia Living cells need oxygen to support the normal functioning of the cell. Hypoxia is a process of decreasing oxygen supply to mitoch...
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Flex Talk 23 November 2022
  Tachycardia Heart acceleration describes the relay of more than three pulses from the same source at a speed of more than 100 beats per mi...
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  Copper Copper is an essential and essential metal for survival, as it is found in all tissues of the body and plays a role in the formatio...
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  Calcium The human body needs calcium metal to build bones and maintain their strength, as some calcium body organs need to be able to func...
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Anemia treatment
Flex Talk 19 November 2022
Anemia treatment Are you anemic? Do you want to know what anemia treatment you have? So follow the article; It contains treatment methods ac...
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