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" The first wealth is health "



Heart acceleration describes the relay of more than three pulses from the same source at a speed of more than 100 beats per minute in an adult human and more than 150 beats per minute in a child.

The heart rate is determined by the electrical activity in the atrial pocket node (SA node) located at the top of the right atrium, the electrical activity travels to the atrial and then the ventricular atrial node (AV node), and then to the heart through the conduction melons (Bundle Branch).

This process is regulated by the independent nervous system and endocrine glands, depending on the body's different needs.

A healthy pulse rate is high when making a physical effort, or when irritable and stressed, or when developing fever disease, low blood volume, or dehydration, while it is slow when sleeping or resting.

Heart acceleration not associated with these conditions is associated with heart disease, and since the affected heart cannot increase the size of the pulse, it tries to maintain its product by increasing the speed of the pulse.

Tachycardia is a condition that arises as a result of the spread of spontaneous foci or the existence of different delivery pathways that come together and form an electrical circuit that allows pulse speed to reach 300 beats per minute.

Having multiple pathways in the heart gives rise to the phenomenon of atrial flutter or ventricular flutter, when such a rapid pulse appears in the ventricular and lasts for more than a few seconds.

Heart acceleration symptoms

Heart acceleration symptoms include many things, which is as follows:
  • Self-distress.
  • Vertigo.
  • Accelerated heart rate.
  • Chest pain.
  • Nausea.

Causes and Factors of Heart Acceleration Risk

The causes and factors of heart acceleration risk include many things as follows:
  • Anemia.
  • Eat large quantities of caffeine.
  • Eat a lot of alcohol.
  • Exercise.
  • Fever.
  • Extreme stress.
  • Smoking.
  • Use some anabolic drugs.

Complications of heart acceleration

Heart acceleration may cause many complications, which include what comes:
  • Blood clots.
  • My heart failed.
  • Frequent faints.
  • Sudden death.

Heart acceleration diagnosis

After learning about the patient's medical and family history, heart acceleration is diagnosed through numerous tests, such as:
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG): This is one of the most commonly used tests, and helps determine the cause of cardiac acceleration.
  • Holter: a device used to monitor the heart rhythm for a full 24 hours.
  • Cardiac Event Monitor: A whole month heart rhythm monitor that is worn and monitors heart rhythm at certain times.
  • CT scan: An examination that describes how blood flows to the heart to identify any problem.

Heart Acceleration Treatment

Heart acceleration treatment aims to:
  • Fix the main factors that led to its emergence by satisfying the blood with oxygen, reducing the pressure on the heart, correcting the concentration of salts in the blood and hormonal activity.
  • Use drugs that change the electrical properties of the delivery device in the heart muscle.
  • "Ablation".
  • Implantation of Defibrillator that reduces heart rhythm disorder by electric shock.

Prevention of heart acceleration

Some things that help prevent heart acceleration can be followed, like what comes:
  • Exercise and a healthy diet.
  • Maintain healthy weight.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Reduce your caffeine and alcohol intake.
  • Get rid of excess anxiety.


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